GhostHunteR ban appeal

Started by GhostHunteR., March 06, 2019, 16:08


Player name:  
Ban ID:  
Time and date of ban: 6 March 2019
Reason of ban: Speed hack
Ban was unfair? Yes
I was banned by: Smokey (anti-cheat)

What actually was happening:
1st I went to issue a guy named Supercool a ticket before he sent my car flying in the air. Then I went backing thinking I could be smart and bail out my vehicle as I get close but this guy has the ability to toss your vehicle from quite a distance as you can see in the below screenshot

In the end, troll won.
I see I was his 2nd victim


I confirm that all above information is true and I am aware that posting false information in ban appeal will result in my ban being extended.
