AlexandruJR (insulting)

Started by Claw, August 28, 2014, 09:58


Player reported:

Rule broken: insulting
Date and time: 1 day ago


1st photo:that fools who have nothing to do,
who have nothing to do cuz their mon is fat
2nd photo:your man is so fat if she passes in front of the TV,the ads are done
3rd photo:if you don t give me money,know that i don t  fuck your mon for free.


i did some mistakes,here it is:
1st photo:that fools who have nothing to do,
who have nothing to do cuz their mom* is fat
2nd photo:your mom* is so fat if she passes in front of the TV,the ads are done
3rd photo:if you don t give me money,know that i don t fuck your mom for free.
Sorry for this my keyboard don t work very well :D


1st photo:
-AlexandruJR:aia prosti la cap=those mental fools
-AlexandruJR:care n-au ce face ca mama lor e grasa=whom don't have what to do cause theyr mom is fat.
2nd photo:
AlexandruJR:ba mama ta ii atat de grasa incat cand trece prin fata televizorului se termina toate reclamele=your mother is so fat that when she is passing in front of the TV all the ads are finished
3rd photo:
AlexandruJR:zi ma=tell me(more like a"what you want")
AlexandruJR:ba claw daca nu imi aduci banii sa stii ca no fut pe mata gratis=hey claw if you don't bring me the money i wont fuck your mom for free.

This is the translation.Hope it helped!Btw "AlexandruJR" made some mistakes in Romanian language,he ain't typed the words properly but i translated them how it has to be translated.



25/8/11 - 4/10/15: 1502 days of continuous staff duty C:-)