[How-To] De-Lag a Truck/Trailer

Started by Corvette, June 27, 2013, 08:46


Got Kicked for a laggy truck/trailer mod but you love the mod? You've come and looked at the right tutorial. :P

First things first If you haven't already Please read over this tutorial. http://www.forum.convoytrucking.net/index.php/topic,39430.0.html

After you have Imported the truck/trailer that you wish to "De-Lag", You need to Import the GTA SA Default Roadtrain/Petrol/Artic1/Artic2/Artic3/Petroltr. After Both Trucks are imported, Click "Show All"

And Click the box next to the GTA SA truck/trailer so that it does not show.

(NOTE: In the picture above the "rdtrain.dff" Is Checked, Your's should be "UNCHECKED"

After that, Go ahead and Select All.

Once you have done that your going to need to Deselect the chassis on the default truck/trailer

(NOTE: Make Sure Selected Mode Is OFF)

Once you have done that, Move The Lagging Truck, (All Of It) to where the back wheels are almost to where the stock truck/trailer is at.
(Refer To Picture below)

Once you have moved the truck you can go ahead and DELETE the stock truck/trailer (BE SURE NOT TO DELETE YOUR MOD!)

After you delete it you can Deselect all.

After you have done that Go ahead and Hide All.
(The button is right next to the Show All If You Hadn't Noticed)

Alright The Next part you REALLY need to pay attention to and read it a few times if you dont get it the first time.

After you Hide All just click the (In my case "Petrol.dff") Dont click anything else yet!!!!

Now, On Your Command Bar/Box on the side/top whereever it is.

Notice the small shaded box next to "Local Axes"? Good Click It, It Should look like the picture below.


Now, Click On The Little Blue Box (It should center it's self to the little "X" in the middle of the screen.

After you do that, expand the Petro.dff tree. Then Click "petro" Now a little green box should show up on your screen dont worry your gonna fix it not being in the center,  Cause Click it.

Next, Expand the "Petro" tree and you should see a bigger list in it.
Now click on the "chassis_dummy" Another green dot should show up on your screen, Click that one too.

Now all you have to do is Show all, Turn OFF collision, Shadow, And Chassis_vlo (IF your mod has a VLO)

After you do all that Follow Rubber's tutorial on EXPORTing your mod!! Cheers!.

Link To Rubbers Exporting Tutorial : http://www.forum.convoytrucking.net/index.php/topic,39449.0.html


Very nice tutorial Vette! I think this will help people out a lot. I'll add it to the tutorial master list  8)

Just a little clarification: This is to be used when you are trying to put a petrol mod on the road train. They are completely different vehicles (in size, tire location, etc.) and need to be modified to work without lag. A lot of people don't know this, but most laggy mods come from trying to install a petrol mod on a road train.



I think this would be a good first project in ZModeler for beginners. It is easy to do if you follow the tutorial. Purposely find a laggy truck mod, modify it, and have a moderator verify it is no longer laggy. Most of the Euro trucks seem laggy, so this should be able to help a lot of people out  8)